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10 tahun yang lalu
Archos Launches Internet Tablet | Sabtu, Februari 21, 2009 |
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2009 third quarter this year, Texax Instruments (TI) which is known as a manufacturer of products with the brand Archos, will distribute products newest form of internet tablet.With thickness is only 0.39 inches, the device adopts a 5-inch screen size with a WVGA resolution of this integrated connection 3 , 5G, up to 500GB storage capacity, HD video support, a battery that is resistant to 7 hours without stopping and the use of facilities such as a PC, that is, the ability to play the files as Adobe Flash, using TI processors made for run own internet tanlet is, namely OMAP3.
Source: People's Kedaulatan
3 komentar:
wah keren nih, saatnya menabung untuk membeli itu :D
BTw kalau ada translate Indo nya lebih keren nih , secara english ku masih dodol gituh ...
Lam kenal mba :)
eh ralat hehehe
ternyata di samping ada translate ya ...
aduh mataku bener2 harus diperiksa nih ...
wah specnya masih dibawah yg aku punya sekarang , tapi lumayan juga klo beli satu lagi .. ayo mulai sekarang kita menabung ... hahaha
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