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WEB 3.0, WEB 2.0 next generation? Sabtu, Maret 21, 2009

On period of 2004 appear the Web 2.0 technology, although already appear until now still many people who do not understand the meaning of Web 2.0 this.adjacent some have already understand that Web 2.0 technology is a fusion of the in building the web, which is a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and AJAX.
fact that the web 2.0 more emphasis on changes in the present paradigm content and display a website.Hal is that web 2.0 is a technology that used to facilitate creativity in a community-based web.Salah one characteristic of web 2.0 is user-generated content.Beberapa characteristics are:
1.The web as a platform where web 2.0 applications using the web as a flat form.
2.Harnessing Collective Intelligence.
3.Data is the next Intel inside.
4.End of the software release cycle
5.Rich user experiences
If there are terms in the 3G mobile world, the internet in the web 3.0.Bisa this so wen 3.0 will be the next generation of web 2.0 is now ini.Pada era of web 3.0 iniwebsite equipped with computers that feature berpikir.Barangkali now for web 3.0 development still in the process.

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