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understanding of informatics Jumat, Januari 09, 2009

a field of scholarly study of computer technology, particularly in software development.

Information is one of the scientific branch of the most widespread and includes many things associated with life on this, where the collection of this information includes the discipline of science and techniques that work specifically with the data into information seoptimal may take advantage of information technology or computer.

In English, the term Information derived from the French informatique, which in German is called Informatik. In fact, the word is synonymous with the term computer science in the United States and computing science in the UK.

In terms pendefenisian informatics, according to Philippe Dreyfus (1962) and `l'Academie Francaise (1967), which mendefenisikan information is as follows:

Kumpulan Discipline Science (scientific discipline) and Discipline Engineering (engineering discipline), which specifically concerns the transformation / processing of the "Facts symbolic" (data / information), which mainly use the facility automatic machine / computer.

In the English language has a slightly different meaning, that is more emphasis on aspects of information systematically and rational.

If viewed from the overall understanding of the above information, logic and approach sistematika is one of the dominant enough of this Information, considering the approach is key in getting the solution in solving various problems.

In principle, this scholarly emphasize how a better information and data can be processed with such technology berbantuan the terotomatisasi.

Terautomatisasi technology that is not only in one machine, but may involve several machines. This machine is more common with a computer.

Computer as the main material in this scientific field has a role that is very high, so that information simply peel from the start how the machine can work, how a data processed in a manner that is understood by machines, while the information is also understood by humans, to how the machine is able to communicate with the other engine.

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