WEB 3.0, WEB 2.0 next generation? | Sabtu, Maret 21, 2009 |
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On period of 2004 appear the Web 2.0 technology, although already appear until now still many people who do not understand the meaning of Web 2.0 this.adjacent some have already understand that Web 2.0 technology is a fusion of the in building the web, which is a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and AJAX.
fact that the web 2.0 more emphasis on changes in the present paradigm content and display a website.Hal is that web 2.0 is a technology that used to facilitate creativity in a community-based web.Salah one characteristic of web 2.0 is user-generated content.Beberapa characteristics are:
1.The web as a platform where web 2.0 applications using the web as a flat form.
2.Harnessing Collective Intelligence.
3.Data is the next Intel inside.
4.End of the software release cycle
5.Rich user experiences
If there are terms in the 3G mobile world, the internet in the web 3.0.Bisa this so wen 3.0 will be the next generation of web 2.0 is now ini.Pada era of web 3.0 iniwebsite equipped with computers that feature berpikir.Barangkali now for web 3.0 development still in the process.
DX9000, TouchSmart PC for the Businessman | Sabtu, Maret 07, 2009 |
HP to the development of [C IQ506.The result a PC that is intended for business, that is, the DX9000. Because is for the businessman, DX9000 entry in the PC touchsmart have characteristics with the IQ506, DX9000 have added a number of advantages for software such as HP power manager, which aims to save energy when the PC is not in use.
In addition, there is HP Total Care Advisor tool to make the diagnosis ability and the quality long after the PC need to be used without involving the IT professional workers.
Nettop ViewSonic, Integrated in CPU Monitor | Sabtu, Maret 07, 2009 |
Viewsonic is known as a producer monitor.Contention that will now change, because now produce Nettop ViewSonic, tiny PC or PC version of the Netbook.the form of a small ViePC VPC100, chasing not require that separate from monitor.With other words, the CPU is integrated with a monitor size of 18.5 inches. Screen has a resolution of 1355 x 768 pixels with a thin boby, only 35mm.ViePC VPB100 vigorous atom 1.6 Ghz processor, 1GB RAM, 60GB hard drive, 1.3 megapixel webcam,
Wi-Fi, two USB slots, memory card readers and speakers internal.sistem operation that used a Windows XP Home.
Titan M1, Double Screen Laptop | Sabtu, Februari 28, 2009 |
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In February 2009, various types of laptop products are completely new and sophisticated intelligent pop back.
One is gScreen, which presents a double laptop interesting sailed with the name Titan M-1.
This laptop is one that not only smart and sophisticated, but also power strong and extraordinary.
For, this device was initially created to meet the demand that the U.S. Navy needs a laptop device in extreme environments.
Exterior Titam M-1 is compatible with the environment cold and summer, two scenes that accompany each measuring 15.4 inches.
While the interior is filled with laptop hardware mumpuni.Prosesor also 2Quad Intel Core QX9300, 4GB RAM, 500GB hard drive, graphics card NVIDIA QuadroFX 2700M, six USB slots, VGA port, display port, RJ-45, audio, and FireWire.
Archos Launches Internet Tablet | Sabtu, Februari 21, 2009 |
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2009 third quarter this year, Texax Instruments (TI) which is known as a manufacturer of products with the brand Archos, will distribute products newest form of internet tablet.With thickness is only 0.39 inches, the device adopts a 5-inch screen size with a WVGA resolution of this integrated connection 3 , 5G, up to 500GB storage capacity, HD video support, a battery that is resistant to 7 hours without stopping and the use of facilities such as a PC, that is, the ability to play the files as Adobe Flash, using TI processors made for run own internet tanlet is, namely OMAP3.
Source: People's Kedaulatan
New Service To Yahoo Smartphone | Sabtu, Februari 21, 2009 |
Yahoo re-launched new services for use smartphone.Service which is packed in the form of Yahoo Mobile application that integrates with Opera Mini 4.2 and is compatible with the iPhone, smartphone Nokia, Rim, Samsung, Sony Ericson, Motorola and handset-based mobile.Yang windows version is already present Beta.Service features include voice command with the search, maps, access to email including Gmail, Windows Live, Hotmail and AOL Mail.Akses easily also be done to the network sosialseperti Bebo, Dopplr, Facebook, Flickr, Friendster, Last.fm, MySpace , Twitter and Youtube.
Source: People's Kedaulatan
Following list of 10 technology from time to time (part 1) | Kamis, Februari 19, 2009 |
1. IBM Roadrunner
Dream about superkomputer fastest difficult indeed realized, but eventually
realized also by IBM. Greater than 1946 years old ENIAC computer, IBM
Roadrunner is called as the first machine that could process data in a matter of
petaflop, which is more than kuadriliun operations per second. But after
several decades, this speed is the same with a desktop now.
2. Apple Macintosh
Computers for all, that Apple introduced in 1984. With
graphical display that not only captivate the formula-formula boring style
DOS. We are now known as the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
1980s, personal computers associated with IBM. For the IBM-who
way the presence of standard software and hardware in the personal computer market.
Finally, the standard is followed by all vendors until the computer world at this time.
4. Apple II
Apple introduced by 1977 and survived to 15 years, Apple II
prove that they can be a bulk product. Advanced in the graphics in color
era and the use of a fairly easy for people. This method
perhaps imitated Microsoft.
5. TRS-80
Still in 1977, Radio Shack has launched a behavior mikrokomputer hard
as many as 3000 units. This product is referred to as the first computer
easily used by anyone to even school children.