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Information and Computer Science Jumat, November 14, 2008

Information is one of the scholarly branch large enough and covers almost as associated with various things about life, where discipline informatics group includes science and engineering to specific data into information with seoptimal may utilize information technology or computer. In the Indonesian language, the term Information derived from the French informatique, which in German is called Informatik. In fact, the word is synonymous with the term computer science in the United States and computing science in English. In terms pendefenisian informatics, according to Philippe Dreyfus (1962) and l'Academie Francaise (1967), which defines informatics as follows: Group Discipline Science (scientific discipline) and the Discipline Engineering (engineering discipline), which specifically concerns the transformation / processing of the "Facts symbolic" (data / information), which mainly use the facilities automatic machines / computer. In the English language has a slightly different meaning, namely more emphasis on aspects of processing information in a systematic and rational. If viewed from a holistic understanding of informatics at the top, and sistematika logic approach is quite characteristic of the dominant Information from this, considering the approach is key in getting the solution in solving various problems. In principle, this scholarly emphasis on how an information and data can be processed with such berbantuan technology terotomatisasi. Terautomatisasi technology that is not the only one engine, but can involve multiple machines. This machine is more common is called the computer. Computer as the main material in this field have scholarly role that is very high, so the information in a simple strip of how these machines work, how the data processed in a manner that is understood by the machine while the information is understood by humans, to how the machine is able to communicate with the other engine.

Computer Science
In general, Computer Science, which better known by the name of Computer Science (Computer Science, CS) is a science to learn about computing, both hardware (hardware) and software (software). Computer science includes a variety of topics related to computers, from the abstract analysis of algorithms to the subject of a more concrete such as the programming language, software, and hardware. As a science discipline, Computer Science with a different computer programming, software engineering and computer techniques, even if the third term is often disalahartikan. Church-Turing thesis states that all computing devices that have been known to the public are actually the same thing what they can do, even with different efficiency. This thesis pronsip sometimes regarded as a basic knowledge of computers. Experts in computer science are emphasized von Neumann computer or Turing machine, because most computers are used now. Experts in computer science also learn that other types of machines, some of it practical (such as parallel and quantum) and some of them quite theoretical (such as random and Oracle). Computer Science learn what can be done by the program, and what is not (computing and Artificial Intelligence), how a program should evaluate the results (algorithm), how the program should save and retrieve specific bits of information from a (data structure), and how the program and users to communicate (the user interface and programming language). Computer science stems from the electronics, mathematics and linguistics. In the last three decades of the 20th century, computer science has become a science discipline and have developed a new method and the term itself. The first computer science department was established at Purdue University in 1962. Almost all universities now have computer science departments. The highest award in computer science is the Turing Award, winner of this award is all the pioneer in the field.

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