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Relational Database Management System Kamis, November 13, 2008

A relational database management system or in known in English as a relational database management system (RDBMS) is a computer program (or in a more typical is a computer program) that are designed to set / memanajemen a database as a set of data that is stored in a structured, and operations on the data at the request of users. Examples are the use of the DBMS and many work in various fields, such as accounting, human resources management, and others. Although initially only the DBMS owned by companies that have large-scale computer equipment in accordance with the specifications of the standard required (at the standard required can be very high) to support a large amount of data, the current implementation is very much and adaptatif with the needs of the data specification For the rational can be owned and implemented by all circles as part of the investment company.

History of the term RDBMS

Edgar F. Codd introduced the term in this seminarnya paper entitled "A relational model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". One of the definitions are quite widely known on a relational database system is for 12 law Codd. However, at the beginning of the implementation many relational models that do not follow all the elements contained in the law that Codd made terminologinya developed to describe a typical database system that is more extensive. In the scope of the system to meet the minimum criteria of the following:

* Presents data on the user in the form of relational (shown in tabular form, as a collection of tables where each table beriisi set of columns and rows)
* Provide the service relasioanl to manipulate the data in tabular form

The system is the first time in a relatively meet the implementation of a relational model is the Center for Scientific Studies IB, England, in Peterlee; IS1 (1970-1972) and the implementation of the follow PRTV (1973-1979). The first system sold as a commercial RDBMS is Multics relational data Srore in 1978. The other is the Berkeley Ingres quel, and BS12 IBM.

Utilization of the current

Against ketidaksepahaman There are several definitions of the "relational" from the DBMS.

The most popular definition of a RDBMS is often considered less accurate; forward some circles that the data serving as a collection of columns and rows have been enough to qualify as a RDBMS said. Tipikalnya, said a database system to meet the criteria as RDBMS meet when the laws are set in 12 legal Codd, but in fact had most database systems do not fully support the implementation of the laws of the Codd.

The other thought when a database system is not implementing the overall law Codd, the system can not be called as a relational. Views such as this, that many received by the theoretical circle and other circles, which adhere to the principles Codd, of course, will mendiskualifikasikan many database systems that are currently "not pure relational." In fact, the system databases using SQL (Structured Query Language) to access and modify data can not be said as RDBMS, according to this definition. Meanwhile, the supporters of the system database that is mentioned a database system that implements only some of the laws of Codd is called as Semi-Relasional/Pseudo-Relational Database Management System Database Management Systems (PRDBMS). For database management system that fully implementing the laws Codd is hereinafter referred to as Murni-Relasional/Trully-Relational Database Management System Database Management Systems (TRDBMS).

Currently, almost all RDBMS that apply SQL as a query language but also to provide and implement some other alternative. Alpora Dataphor is RDBMS available in a commercial to follow the full twelve laws Codd, and the second group known as the RDBMS.

Dynamic variation

Complaints that appear and are known in general to the existence RDBMS is the fact that implementation is currently seen as too "static". Spekulasipun appear on the possibility to create a new generation database system that uses a model "relational dynamic" with a column that can be made dynamically, the size of the developing dynamically, is defined dynamically. Each line can be implemented as a map (or dictionary larik asosiatif) and the fields that are not presented as a simple field empty. Some circles consider this the model relasioal pure, but the other protest that the use of a map is only as a detailed implementation. Thus, in this view, a column that is not found / no "in a simple but seen as a subject of interpretation and is considered as a way of serving i

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